We offer to a market to satisfy a want or need, including products and goods, local branding services, user experiences, and feasible ideas.
Ahhaproject has many experiences of designing million-selling products of Fortune500 brands.
저희는 10만개, 100만개 이상 판매된 상품과 브랜드를 만들었습니다.
아하프로젝트의 프로세스는 분명합니다.
추상적인 용어와 모호한 이미지를 나열하며 클라이언트와 소통하지 않습니다.
간결한 리서치 분석과 명확하고 중심잡힌 카피, 데이터에 근거한 디자인 결과물을 만들며, 지속가능한 브랜드 컨셉과 가이드라인을 제안합니다.
Fortune 500 기업들이 저희를 선택한 이유입니다.

Our open environment encourage change and transformation allowing us to stay ahead in today’s highly volatile business environment.
Founded in 2010, Ahhaproject founder Jinwoo Han and his team of designers have worked to create products and services which enriches our clients need. Based in Seoul, our team draws strength from the rich, diverse culture and arts of the city. Ahhaproject provides comprehensive design services from idea concepts to final design solutions. Our aim is to work closely with our partners, taking into consideration of their needs and focus on delivering successful projects. We enjoy working with design and function oriented thinkers and innovators in the consumer products and packaging industries.
저희는 10만개, 100만개 이상 판매된 상품과 브랜드를 만들었습니다.
아하프로젝트는 단순히 예쁘고 보기 좋은 디자인만 제안 하지 않습니다.
모든 프로젝트의 시작부터 예산 안에서 효율적인 생산성과 제조 비용을 고려하고, 프로젝트 결과물이 타겟과 마켓에 맞는지를 검증하는 리서치 프로세스와 브랜드 전략 기획안을 제안하여 시장에서의 실패 확률을 줄였습니다.
매일 달라지는 소비자의 눈높이, 유동적인 시장의 요구사항들에 맞추어 실행되는 로컬마케팅 전략, 정량데이터를 분석해 만들어진 성공적인 디자인 결과물들이 100 만개 이상의 판매량을 올린 상품들과 성공적으로 시장에 안착한 브랜드를 여럿 만들어 내었습니다.
이것이 국내외 Fortune 500 기업들이 저희를 선택한 이유입니다.
처음 브랜드를 만들기 위한 과정부터 상품을 제작하고, 시장에서 성공시키기 위한 모든 과정에서의 실패를 줄이며, 아하프로젝트는 사람들이 좋아하는 잘 팔리는 상품을 만들어 드립니다.
From concept ideas to productions.
Branding and Rebranding.
Having a reliable teammate by your side is essential.
We will consult and guide you through the entire process.
Creating a brand is like inventing an entirely new market. Through our branding services we will help you craft a strong, unique, and competitive brand that will win people’s hearts.
We cover
BI, CI, Logo & Naming, Brand concept, Package design, Product design, Production, Market analysis, Finding niche market, Brand renewal
Branding design
Developing insights and plans which pinpoints opportunities and kick-start growth. From conceptual vision to roadmaps and final service strategy, we plan and think with our partners.
Strategic & Concept Design
Many of us see the importance of overall design form and its aesthetics. However, smallest details are what sets a premium products standout from its competition. From package structure, surface grains to five main human senses of sight ,hearing , taste, smell, and touch, we provide design solutions of all emotional design.
Emotional/Perceived design
We conduct lean, fast and insightful design surveys and in-depth research to layout a solid project background.
Explore and Understanding
Not only we see opportunities, we seize them to develop ideas and concepts unique for the partners.
Capturing Ideas and Opportunities
Inspire to deliver the best right from the concept to the final finished product, every design development stages are carefully planned for best outcome.
We present to our partners with clear and intuitive final presentation, one of the most powerful tools of communication today.
Development Aesthetic Solutions
We were all young and began as a startup. If you are a startup, have ideas and need design, lets work together. We work startup design for free, only sharing profit when your ideas become a reality. We will even invest our financial resources and be part of your vision if we believe your idea is a long term winner.
Startup Creative Support
Creative structure integrity is to simply put, designing, organizing and validating of your design team. From personnel hiring, workflow, scheduling to overall design team structure, if you have ever wondered if your design organization/structure has long term viability/competitiveness, let us help you.
Social innovation design